Hello Crochet Friends! I take the Coronavirus very seriously. Here's my message for all of you, especially the younger folks:
Hello Crochet Friends! I take the Coronavirus very seriously. Here's my message for all of you, especially the younger folks:
I just watched an interview with Jonah on television and I was struck by his innocence and passion not only for crochet but for sharing and helping others. Jonah you are truly an inspiration I pray that God’s grace continues to surround you as you continue one stitch at a time.
I just watched an interview with Jonah on television and I was struck by his innocence and passion not only for crochet but for sharing and helping others. Jonah you are truly an inspiration I pray that God’s grace continues to surround you as you continue one stitch at a time.
Hi Jonah:
My name is theresa Tetu. I am also a Crocheter. I have been crocheting for a long time. I crochet Dishcloths.
As an artist I look for inspiration all the time. I also strive to see the positive in this world. I have been crocheting since age 12 as a seasonal hobby. My main passion is drawing and creating unique images. Now at age 54 I strive even harder to see positive inspiration in the world around me. This morning as I drank my coffee I came across an article on my feed about the stressful time we are currently in and how knitting and crocheting can help relieve this stress …so I thought I would check it out. I had no idea it would lead me to the biggest spark of inspiration I have felt in quite some time. It lead me to Jonah and his amazing story. His crocheting is magnificent and very inspiring. As amazing and beautiful as it is, that is not what filled my heart with a burst of inspiration. His amazing spirit and pure innocent love for this world inspires me beyond words. If all of us could just tap into a small amount of what this young man puts out into this world we could truly make huge positive changes that are so desperately needed. Jonah, I have never met you, but I am so very proud of you. I want to thank you for filling my heart this morning full of love, peace, and happiness. You are amazing!
You are a beautiful young man.
You are inspiring.
You are a caring person.
You are thoughtful.
I ♥️you Jonah.